Largest Reform Congregation in Greater Dayton
With a rich tradition that spans more than 150 years, Temple Israel is proud to be the largest Reform congregation in greater Dayton. Our religious, cultural, educational, social and social action programs build on the legacy of those who have come before with innovations guaranteed to create a fulfilling and vibrant future for the congregation.
Weekly Shabbat services vary in style and format, including dinners on the first and second Fridays of most months. Saturday morning services are preceded by Torah Study. Religious school for pre-kindergarten through confirmation. Adult classes in Torah and Talmud weekly. Sunday brunch and lecture series during the school year. Extensive library of Jewish books and materials with an online catalog accessible from our website.
A full calendar and more information are available on our website,
Keywords: Jewish, synagogue, temple, reform, congregation, judaism, holiday, festival, history, shabbat, yahrtzeit, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Chanuka, Hanukkah, Hannukah, Chanukah, Seder, Passover, Pesach, Religious School, Bar Mitzvah, Confirmation, Wedding, Simcha, Rabbi, Cantor